Tag: Gadjo
SnC 313 – Sick of party invitations
I’ve been getting a sudden gush of party invitations over the past couple of weeks but I’ve had to turn them down because, by strange coincidence, they are all in Austin, Texas. Yes, SXSW (South By South West)kicks off on Friday, with the music festival from 13-18 March so quite a few tracks this week are…
SnC 299 – Gambling Sperms
Life is still totally frantic and in some respects tragic but I’ll not dwell on that. The somewhat belated Adnams Artist of the Month is announced in this week’s show as part of a slightly different AOTM feature if you have a view, I’d be delighted to hear from you. I’ve rarely seen such limp…
AOTM October 2011 – Gadjo
From all corners of the world, the band’s members and musical styles tumbled into the streets of Barcelona in 2003 and have been together ever since writing their original blend of polyglot balkan-ska-swing music. Since then, Gadjo has produced three albums, attracted a huge international following and has toured Europe extensively playing in theatre, circus…
SnC 293 – powder dry
In the final run up to CMJ, a slightly shorter show than normal again. A certain amount of powder needs to be kept dry – for next week. We’ve tracks from a few bands that I’m hoping to catch next week and another who I’d be very happy to go and see in their home…
SnC 287 – Cleethorpes by The Bay
Though I say it myself a great mix of vary varied music this week from Scotland, Los Angeles, Toronto, Jersey City, Barcelona, San Francisco and from its twin city on the east coast of England, Cleethorpes. A full complement this week so sit back and give your ears a treat. I’ve been meaning to show…