Tag: Trews
SnC 333 – Saskatchewan to Tasmania
Great new independent music this week comes from MA, TX in the US, a couple of tracks from Toronto and Regina in Canada, a couple from London, plus one each from opposite ends of the world Brooklyn and Tasmania. The weather finally turned hot in the past few days here in the east of England.…
SnC 304 – Ten to watch in 2012
Inspired by an idea from my fellow AMP members, I really wanted to put out a show of tracks from artists who I think are worth keeping an eye on in 2012. When I sat down to compile the show, I found that I had at least two shows worth of talent, so this week…
SnC 275 – All over the shop
Music from all over the shop this week although a couple are from Italy and news of another session at the barn coming up soon. I forgot to mention in the show that there is a +1 button just to the right here > give it a click if you “like”. I couldn’t resist using…