Tag: Mo Rooneh
SnC 298 – Late shift
A particularly late start to recording the show this week. Life really is getting to a crazy pitch with so many dear people around me in real need of time and effort – none of which I begrudge in the least. I’m just getting pretty worn down. Oh well, we’ll be using the five hour…
SnC 292 – Lets get messy
This week, lots of great music, of course, but on two themes. The second half of the show illustrates some of the variety that can be found in showcase events at festivals. First though, machine noises are increasingly finding their way into music as musicians with an attentive ear for sound discover how effectively they…
SnC 276 – Our inner rock-chick
Music from Belfast, Iceland, Norway, Netherlands, Singapore, Los Angeles, France and Western Australia. This morning I met up with the person who probably has the dream job at the Adnams brewery, that of the chief beer tester. There to interview Belinda Jennings for the show and find out who has made it as artist of…