
  • SnC 316 – a bit retro

    SnC 316 – a bit retro

    This week marks the conclusion of a project I’ve been working on at home here for the past year. A somewhat confused and frail older relative faced the prospect of being shipped out into a care home or staying on in her own home 80 miles away. Consequently we did the daft thing and set…

  • SnC 299 – Gambling Sperms

    SnC 299 – Gambling Sperms

    Life is still totally frantic and in some respects tragic but I’ll not dwell on that. The somewhat belated Adnams Artist of the Month is announced in this week’s show as part of a slightly different AOTM feature if you have a view, I’d be delighted to hear from you. I’ve rarely seen such limp…