Tag: Caroline Smith
SnC 304 – Ten to watch in 2012
Inspired by an idea from my fellow AMP members, I really wanted to put out a show of tracks from artists who I think are worth keeping an eye on in 2012. When I sat down to compile the show, I found that I had at least two shows worth of talent, so this week…
SnC 286 – short and succulent
An uncommonly short show this week. I rather suspect that there’s a natural lull in labels and artists getting the music out during the height of summer – at least here in the northern hemisphere. I really didn’t want to fill the space with not so hot stuff. You deserve better. After recording this afternoon,…
SnC 281 – Rain, rain go away
Another very varied selection for you from around the world of independent music for you. We’ve artists from Tennessee, California, Saskatchewan, New York and Minneapolis over there and from Paris and Barcelona over here. We’ve also got news of a fabulous radio programme broadcast this week by the BBC about my old workplace, Island Studios…