AOTM July 2010 – Kapadnoms


Kapadnoms are based at Rosny sous Bois on the outskirts of Paris and have been playing since September 2005. Even in the original French, their notes tell you quite a bit.

“Les kapadnoms developpent le concept de musique en patchwork liant l electro swing au hiphop en passant par des chansons a texte plus intimes ,le tout releve d’une plume hiphop engagee, parfois enragee…la pluspart des enregistrements sont fait en autoproduction dans un homestudio et sont composees et arrangees par informatique, les musiciens travaillent les adaptations pour les lives…”

You can download two of their excellent albums including Un point c’est tout (from which the track Certains adultes èrrent is taken) quite free and legally from the treasure trove that is the Jamendo netlabel. Of course, if you were able to make a donation to the artist it would be greatly appreciated and “the right thing to do”.
This month’s reviewer is … Alastair Marshall (Senior Wine Buyer)

 Alastair has one of the most envied jobs – travelling the world tasting fine wines and meeting fascinating, passionate people in beautiful places.
An avid festival goer, Alastair makes room for Womad and Latitude every year to satisfy his eclectic tastes in music.
Tap into his expert knowledge of wines at the Adnams site

Listen here
Alastair describes his work, the wine business and his own musical interests. He also announces his choice of artist for July 2010 and plays Kapadnoms witty and rhythmically intriguing track Certains adultes èrrent.





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