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A rum ol’ mix of styles and tastes this week which I hope conspire to suit your mood. Do you find that your musical taste changes with your mood? Does your mood change with the music? Let me know, by a comment at the bottom of these notes, email or by the MyCHingo voice message system.I’ve was photographing for a client in Aldeburgh (right), on the Suffolk coast, on Monday. It felt like grabbing the only chance to enjoy the town on a sunny day and yet in a relatively peaceful state before the "Hooray Henry” brigade arrives for the summer. Armens à dit – Bézèd’h (Mulhouse, France)From their new album Les Illuminés.IBézèd’H, l’alliance de la guitare et du violon caricaturée comme : "DU FER DANS LA SOIE" Un savant mélange pour du Rock puisqu"il daigne enfin se marier aux présents des musiques Celtiques. La noce des énergies libère un fracassant bouquet… Avec plus de 400 concerts à leur actif ils ont partagé l’affiche avec : STATUS QUO, EV, SALLY BAT DES AILES, LES WAMPAS, MAROUSSE, ALDEBERT, LES FILS DE TEPU, MERZHIN, BLACK BOMB A… C"est ensuite l’enchaînement de Festivals et de concerts réputés … … En Juillet 2005 ils réalisent un fabuleux concert au MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL. OCTOBRE 2007 : la sortie de leur nouvel album … « LES ILLUMINES » TELECHARGEMENTS GRATUITS. Note: the link may generate pop-up ads for French supermarkets! www.bezedh.comAngels of Mercy – Mike Link/Harvey Taylor (Milwaukee, USA)Normally I’m less than happy with crossover music (regardless of where
it is crossing from or to) however, sometimes it just seems to work.A fascinating mix of styles in this track form Milwaukee-based studio duo (Mike Link on keys, etc, and Harvey Taylor on trumpet), with guest artists (Holly Haebig on flute, Tom Plutshack on guitars).. groove-based tunes with trumpet improvisations, etc, fusing a jazz/blues approach to contemporary electronica…World music influences combine for an eclectic mix.www.cdbaby.com/cd/linktaylorI’ve been distracted this morning by news that daughter Jessie’s hotel room in Ibiza was burgled while she was at work last night.Lost her treasured laptop and iPod. Hotel security appears not to be all that it might be – experiments showed that a few keys open more than the expected number of room doors.Ballarine – David (Montpellier, France)From his album Experimental released through Jamendo right at the end of last year.www.myspace.com/davidchapelThree chords – Jimmie Bratcher (Missouri, USA)If you’ve been listening for a long time, you’ve heard Jimmie every week for the past two and a half years. Happy is the show theme. Here’s another more bluesy track.www.jimmiebratcher.comFun Tashlikh – Faren Khan (Paris, France)Faren Khan is a group of cosmopolitan musicians, as surprising as they
are atypical. They have found each other in France, some of them in
exile from their native Spain and United States, others closer to their
Mediterranean and Eastern European roots.In the image of the legendary Faren Khan – the mysterious bandit who once wandered the land from Belarus to Hungary and Romania on the back of his fierce swine, the group leads you through its remarkable and eccentric universe.Amidst traditional melodies from the Balkans and Mediterranean, we hear influences of American jazz, the Middle East and India. A nomadic path for the most nomadic of music….Klezmer music.www.myspace.com/farenkhanNote from Kimowww.sellaband.com/kimo-watanabe/Talkers – Entire Cities (Ontario, Canada)Entire Cities are riding high on the success of their latest album, Deep River, the product of ten musicians using banjos, violins, flutes, pianos, minimoogs, singing saws, trombones, whatever else they saw fit to bring their work to life. The result is a heady mix of country, indie, gospel and rock. SIMON BORER -Guitar, Vox, RUHEE DEWJI -Flute, Horns, Vox, TAMARA LINDEMAN -Banjo, Vox, BRENDAN HOWLETT -Bass, Trumpet, PAUL McCRADY -Vox, Keys, Glock and PAUL WEADICK -Drums, VoxLong distance members:JOSH LYON -Keys, Accordion, Vox, STEFANIE BRUCE -Singins Saw, Autoharp and DAVID MISSIO -Guitar14 Jun Cadillac Lounge – NXNE Toronto, Ontario21 Jun Skeleton Park Music Festival Kingston, Ontario29 Jun Sneaky Dee’s – Wavelength w. Hot Panda Toronto, OntarioAvailable now at Soundscapes in Toronto, Brian’s Record Option and Made 4 You in Kingston and online at Zunior.comwww.entirecities.cawww.myspace.com/entirecitiesPodcrawl on Friday. "Oh dear, dear, dear …"Yep – Nikila (Grenoble, France)Passion pour la montagne et l’art sous toutes formesFrom the album #1 (Jamendo)http://nikilart.blogspot.com/
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