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A slightly shorter show this week but with great tracks from Italy, New York, Germany, California, and Georgia and more from Colorado than anywhere else! However, if you were really quick off the mark you may find that you’ve got a very much shorter show due to publishing problems. If the show looks as though it is only 20 some minutes long you can download it again now and it should be fine. In iTunes, delete the short show, unsubscribe from Suffolk’n’Cool then immediately click the Subscribe button next to the shop name and it should all be sorted out. Sorry.Combat Circus – Talco (Venice, Italy)Title track from their 2006 Jamendo album. More from Talco later.Another frantic week so may not be as much inane witttering as usual this week. In London again tomorrow and Friday but Friday should be pretty relaxed.Another quite depressing visit to Norfolk to discuss my mum’s situation with yet more medical staff yesterday but they seem to be getting the idea at last and my dad seems fully reconciled to her passing – whenever that happens.I don’t remember whether I forgot to tell you about Pete Cogle’s new show pcp2. A bit like BBC2 here in the UK, the show goes into rather more depth within the different specific genres featuring in each fortnightly show. http://pcp2.blogsome.comIntroHappy – Jimmie Bratcher (Missouri, USA)www.jimmiebratcher.com/Moved and Raised – Royal Family (Georgia, USA)Introducing the Royal Family… These four gentlemen from Georgia are laying down a unique and refreshing high energy rock show. Inspired by 1970’s New York art punk like Velvet Underground, Patti Smith and Television their sound encompasses modern textures and melodies. myspace.com/royalfamilybandSweeter Than This – Katie Herzig (Colorado via New York, USA)From even the first note of a Katie Herzig tune, you know you’ve stumbled into something special. She just has a way with a song. Maybe it’s the way she juxtaposes lyrical playfulness and whimsy with incredibly thoughtful depth and emotion. Maybe it’s her stunning, delicately powerful voice. Maybe it’s the sonic landscape that pulls from every direction. Doesn’t really matter. The captivating effect is in full force.Katie began her career while in college as the lead singer for Boulder-based Newcomers Home. That experience lasted for eight years and took her all across the US. The band released four solid CDs that sold some 15,000 copies and built them a loyal fan base. Not bad for a bunch of Colorado upstarts.www.katieherzig.com/Tutti Assolti – Talco (Marghera, Venezia, Italy)Title track from their album Tutti Assolti (all aquitted): ottobre 2004 – primo full-lenght, prodotto da Kob Records e Mad Butcher Records.The patchanka-combat-ska-punk project Talco was first conceived by Tomaso De Mattia. Since 2002 Talco have made frequent live appearances, which have allowed the band to enjoy an increasing degree of popularity and play alongside Modena City Ramblers, Los Fastidios, Blisterhead, Linea 77, Banda Bassotti, Atarassia Grop, Obrint Pas, Punkreas, Persiana Jones, Arpioni, Ska-j and Derozer (among others). To this day, Talco has recorded two albums, both of which were produced and distributed in Italy and Europe by Kob Records and Mad Butcher Records, with the support of Venus Dischi. The first, "Tutti assolti" (2004), was well received by the music press in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the Cech Republic and Mexico, and sold over 2,000 copies. The second album, "Combat Circus", was released in November 2006, and was likewise positively acclaimed in Italian and European fan- and webzines, including Rockerilla, Rock Sound and Negative. Talco are among the best known Italian ska-punk bands, and have a particularly strong fan-base in Germany, where Talco gig tickets are regularly sold out.Tomaso "Dema" De Mattia – Voce, ChitarraEmanuele "Jesus" Randon – Chitarra, CoriFrancesco "Keko" Rioda – BassoNicola "Il Culo" Marangon – BatteriaRiccardo "Terra" Terrin – Tromba, CoriEnrico "Cioro" Marchioro – Sax Tenore, CoriSimone "Tonello" Vianello – Tastiera, Coriwww.talcoska.itTransliterator – Devotchka (Colerado, USA)The times have finally caught up with acclaimed Denver quartet DeVotchKa. Not long ago when the band unloaded their instruments – a violin, a tuba and an accordion, among others – into a rock club, they were told they must be in the wrong place. They created music that was Grammy nominated (DeVotchKa created the soundtrack for the indie smash Oscar winning film Little Miss Sunshine) without the benefit of a huge promotion team or runaway budget, instead relying only on their own efforts by self-releasing their records. And they crafted gems of songs by mixing a beautiful blend of Eastern European bohemia, American prairie rock and distinctive indie and called it pop, rather than world, music. Now, the band is au courant, poised to shine on with their Anti- Records debut A Mad and Faithful Telling. From the cinematic richness of "Transliterator" to the modern pop experiment of "The Clockwise Witness," to the soaring and wrenching "Undone," DeVotchKa have produced a career-defining record and the world is listening.Digital single out nowAlbum: A Mad and Faithful TellingRelease Date US: 2008-03-18Release Date EU: 2008-03-17www.anti.com/artists/view/49/DeVotchKaSad Robot – Pornophonique (Darmstadt, Germany)Really popular on Jamendo where the track has had 22,000 listens. From the album 8-bit lagerfeuerwww.pornophonique.de/ Earthquake hits Suffolk! Sounds more exciting that it was – thankfully.The Bridge – The Loved Ones (California, USA)To be memorable a band must live the fight, believing that their record—front to back, first song to last—could be it, their one chance to truly move people and make a connection.www.fatwreck.com/
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