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By total co-incidence an almost entirely American show tonight with just one stunning interjection from France. Stay tuned and hear me eat two helpings of humble pie!It’s Tuesday night now and I’m due in London again tomorrow. At 5pm I was asked to stay on for a second day (Thursday) – screwing plans to produce the show tomorrow when I get back. I really thought that, as a result, this was going to have to be a short show but there’s just such a lot of interesting music to listen to that it is just going to have to be a late night instead. Then off to catch a very early train; bed may be but a nice idea tonight!Update (4:45pm Wed): Managed the early start now at the Apple Store (right – it seems everyone needs an iPhone) uploading the show.IntroHappy – Jimmy Bratcher (Missouri, USA)www.jimmiebratcher.com Untouchable – Luna Halo (Tennessee, USA)On their self-titled American Recordings debut, the foursome shows an uncanny ability to segue from playing nice to kicking out the jams in ferocious fashion, unsheathing incendiary guitar riffs, then cooling the burn with a coating of shimmering keyboards sure to induce a trip to the dancefloor.www.myspace.com/lunahaloGuitar Suite I, Movement II – Dan Tharp (Illinois, USA) FIRST PLAY"I’m a classical/steel string acoustic guitar player but only in my spare time.I’ve been playing guitar since I was 13 but never performed or recorded because of stage fright and that voice in my head saying I’m not good enough at it.Maybe it’s time to rethink that!"http://dantharpmusic.com/To be free – Soulfège (California, USA)"It’s an African-proud, drum-conscious hip-rap-reggae type of sound…"- The Noise – Rock Around Boston, April 05With driving rhythms, tight harmonies & powerful lyrics Afropolitan fusion band Soulfège has aired in over 50 countries via MTV Africa, BBC Worldservice, NPR & more.www.soulfege.com/Catgut email www.shitcore.comSoccer Girl – Brother Love (New York, USA)One of the most highly spoken of podsafe artists. Brother Love has been involved in all sorts of collaborations. www.brotherloverocks.comOh, and you"ll find Soccergirl at http://soccergirlwp.podshow.com/ Ungrateful men – Grace Valhalla (Nancy, France)From her album Peak. Bonjour tout le monde,Voilà, après quelques encouragements, je me décide à publier deux albums sur Jamendo. Le premier est plus pop/rock, et le second plus électro. Je tiens à remercier les musiciens qui m’ont aidée et encouragée, et qui se reconnaitront.Cela fait deux ans que je compose sur ordinateur, avec des petites collaborations de toutes sortes. Ma musique est généralement très douce et mélancolique. Je suis loin d’être une professionnelle, j’essaie simplement de produire des choses que j’aimerais entendre ; alors s’il vous plaît, soyez indulgents quant à la qualité inégale des compositions et des mixages.. et espérons que la passion saura me faire progresser.J’espère que vous me ferez une petite place dans le monde trop étroit des composit(rices?) de MAO (quand les gens écoutent ma musique, ils sont souvent étonnés d’apprendre que c’est de moi, culture de machos!), et que ma modeste contribution pourra séduire au moins quelques-uns d’entre vous ^_^Merci de votre écoute.That made two years that I compose on computer, with small collaborations of all kinds. My music is generally very soft and melancholic person. I am far from being professional. I simply try to produce things which I would like to hear. Then please, be lenient as for the unequal quality of the compositions and the mixings and let us hope that passion will be able to make me progress.http://gracevalhalla.hautetfort.com/http://myspace.com/gracevalhallaPerfect Tonight – Cary Judd (the mountains above Moose, Wyoming, USA)Playing at Muddy Waters Café in Portland Oregon on Friday 7th Dec $2, Aroma’s Coffee House at the University of San Diego on Tuesday 11 Dec – freewww.caryjudd.comwww.myspace.com/caryjuddI missed Will Kriski’s web address off last week’s show. It is:www.willkriski.com/Her hair is on fire – Semi-precious Weapons (New York, USA)Voted NYC’s Best Band by The Village Voice Readers Poll. Named "the next big thing" by Perez Hilton. "I have been waiting for this band for 20 years!" – Tony Visconti (Bowie, Morrissey) "Our favorite new band!" – The NY Dolls "The most important band in America!" – Alan McGeewww.semipreciousweapons.com/
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