SnC 062 – Wed 25 Apr 2007


Happy – Jimmie Bratcher (Missouri, USA)
www.jimmiebratcher.comBack from Mallorca where most days included a view something like this! (Right) Lots of sleeping in the first few days then a few quite big walks in the mountains. Two bar restaurant recommendations for you should you find yourself in Porto Soller. Restaurant Es Raco is very friendly, right on the harbour-side and is run by the delightful Bisbal/Berard family. Nautilus is a little more remote on C. Llebeig but is perched on the top of a cliff with amazing views of spectacular sunsets. Like sitting IN a postcard. Again a very friendly young staff team. It would be a perfect venue for live music.You brought it on yourself – Annex (Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA)Paul Hanna: Lead guitar, Lead vocalsCraig Hanna: DrumsScott Theno: Bass, VocalsWalk into an Annex show and get smacked with a wall of sound. This is a rock band. The Marshalls are dialled high, the Les Pauls are cranked.Their new album "Sin? includes that track and is released on 6th June.Show dates on their – Leerone (California, USA)Music, of the sine-wave variety or, maybe, peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches, lightly toasted on a Sunday morning. Fond memories and a little self-administered guilt.You can buy tracks direct from Leerone’s’Distrust causes illegal downloads’Jemima Kiss  Wednesday April 25, 2007"More than a quarter of young people in the UK are prepared to illegally download music and films because they distrust the entertainment industry, according to research.A survey by PR group Edelman found that 41% of 18- to 34-year-olds do not trust the entertainment industry to provide value for money, and 34% do not trust companies to respect the rights of those who do pay for digital content.The research found that 27% of young people have already downloaded content illegally or would do so.Resentment over the perceived high cost of digital services and usability problems, such as incompatible formats – for example iPod users only being able to play music downloaded from Apple’s iTunes – has contributed to this distrust."The Guardian is a major and widely respected national newspaper in the UK so if they get as simple a fact as this wrong, how much more of what we read is untrue. Broken Chains – Bizali (Bristol, UK)"Bizali boil the copperpot of folk, mix with the silky tealeaves of soul, blend with smooth funk syrup and serve in a little teapot of swing." That sounds eclectic enough for Suffolk ‘n" Cool.Just a great example of how it works. Listener Joss Boxford thought they’d be good for the show and put me in contact with their drummer Daisy who sent me a copy of their EP CD which arrived safe and sound here in Suffolk this morning. Now they are in your ears wherever in the world you are. The magic of’t forget that I’ve got a few CDs available for you to give to anyone you know who likes music and isn’t yet into podcasts. It explains how to get podcasts (not just SnC) for free to give their ears a regular treat – fresh new music from real, independent musicians all around the world.Just drop me an email to and I’ll get a CD off to you. Subject to availability! Elle rentrait tous les soirs – Celine Mastrorelli (Cannes, France) FIRST PLAYLes nouvelles vieilles chansons… Elles ont ete composees, elles n’ont pas ete arrangees ou exploitees… Mais elles existent! C’est ce que l’on appelle des maquettes! Alors, voici 4 maquettes de travail, laissez faire votre imagination pour le reste et puis… si une d’entre elles (ou les 4… soyons optimistes) vous parle… on songera plus sérieusement à l’enregistrer de manière plus professionnelle… (un merci à Kan, qui a fait les enregistrements de Alone Again version alone (pour la version again, c’est chez Oheix que ça se passe…) et de detestez moi… dit Rom, tu leur dira hein que la prise voix a été faite en une fois… ça excusera les injustesses..) ps : et spécialement le come back de A hier pour choupie et Patchi! – The Redding Brothers (Tennessee, USA)Three guys who grew up listening to their dad play Johnny Cash tunes on an acoustic guitar have embraced the spirit of independent rock & roll. From the backwoods of West Virginia, the dust of Oklahoma, and the pouring rain of Seattle, they’ve created their own brand of scruffy, intelligent rock.That track is taken from their album The Physics of Immortality which you can buy direct from their refreshingly clean – Peter Greenstone (Austin, Texas)Yes, I’ve played Peter before. He’s a singer/songwriter, recording an eclectic variety music, sometimes dark and sometimes ironic, out of the corner of his home office, making big and small sounds and combining acoustic with synthetic. His debut album, Something, was released independently in early December 2005. He specialises in quietly thoughtful and very beautiful songs which tend, thankfully to be quite long. Here"s a great new example which came onto the Podsafe Music Network just






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