SnC 057a – Thu 21 Mar 2007

Bum Rush the Charts DayToday is the day we’re going to give the music industry a sleepless night!

Together, we are going to take an indie podsafe music artist to number one on the iTunes singles charts, because we can.

We all just need to buy one particular podsafe track on iTunes today,
22 March, to create a "spike" that will take podsafe music to number 1
and be a pain in the butt for induistry executives the world over.

The track we’ve chosen is "Mine Again" by the band Black Lab. A band
that was dropped from not just one, but two major record labels (Geffen
and Sony/Epic) and in the process forced them to fight to get their own
music back. Now they are donating half of the profit to a scholarship
fund. Hear all about it on Suffolk ‘n Cool 056.Here’s what the band have to say on their site today:
Hey everyone, welcome to blacklabworld, home of the american rock band black lab.Apparently,
some insane stuff is going on. as we speak, a group of podcasters,
representing millions of listeners to cutting edge media, have decided
to make black lab’s song "mine again" NUMBER 1 on the iTunes charts
TODAY, March 22nd.
One day, one song. the vision is to make a statement about the power of
those who make, broadcast and listen to music outside of the
traditional media models, and it’s an incredible opportunity for black
lab fans to get familiar with podcasting and for the larger world to
get familiar with black lab.
I hope you’ll support us and the podcasting community today by clicking
the link and purchasing the song via the affiliate link (proceeds go to
a scholarship fund, as does half of everything we will make today.
thanks!If you believe in the power of new media, take 99 cents (or 79 pence) and two minutes of your time to join the revolution and make iTunes "Mine Again – TODAY.Tomorrow just won’t be the same again. Mine Again from iTunes through this link






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