Podcast: Play in new window
Well, we made it through the first 50 shows and the first year of podcasting. It doesn’t feel like "made it through" at all. The journey so far has been a blast and there are so many exciting things happening in the worlds of podcasting, independent music and Suffolk ‘n’ Cool. I’m really sorry about having to pull, tweak and repost last week’s show. There was a seriously inexplicable problem with the audio software that I use which caused a sweeper from last week which Pete Cogle had kindly produced for me to slip into the exported file. I reposted a clean version but not I suspect before you’d heard the offending item. I’m sorry about that and very grateful that you decided to come back again. I think you’ll find it worth your while.Pete and I have each been podcasting for almost exactly year, having started on consecutive days. PC Podcast goes out twice a week and reaches edition 100 on 8th Feb. To celebrate, we met up for the afternoon today at The Barn. Pete has an early start in the morning, to get down to the west of London, so he’s tucked up in bed while I’m over here in The Barn doing the shownotes. Enjoy the rather different show, and check out some interesting music on Pete’s show.IntroHappy – Jimmie Bratcher (Missouri, USA)Leona – Wazabe (Netherlands) FIRST PLAYAn international collective of dedicated young musicians playing a soulful mix between funk, jazz, latin, flamenco, reggae and rock.Do not resist.This week’s Suffolk ‘n’ Cool firstplay – just to annoy Mr Cogle!www.wazabe.com"Old men, do not feign ignorance. Why are you quiet? You should take responsibility. Because you made this society. You do not show power. Speak. Act. Fight. Do not love a pet. Love the people. Do not clean a park. Clean society."Pretty profound stuff from office worker H Kobayasi from Yokohama.Reggae on a Bench – H Kobayasi (Japan)As you listen to the track, contemplate the following, it could almost be poetry.My name is H.Kobayashi.I am an owner.I was born in 1958.I am an office worker.In my house, Yokohama,Japan.I like reggae.I make it.My music is Orient-like and danceable.It is very individual.Listen to my music.http://hko.cocolog-nifty.com/Passport – Paula Toledo (Vancouver, Canada)The first of two tracks that I’ve played before to make the first year of podcasting. These are not necessarily the "best" tunes that have been featured but both resonate with me and led to continuing friendship with the artists, which is really what the show is all about.Paula co-produced her CD Stay Awhile with Jonathan Anderson, additional prod. & mixing by David Odlum (Josh Ritter, The Frames) at Black Box Studios in France.www.paulatoledo.com/www.myspace.com/paulatoledo Berwick Road – Dave Lambert Band (Minnesota, USA)The Dave Lambert Band has arrived from it’s roots as a driving blues band into one of the Midwest’s finest Roadhouse Remedies. Blistering renditions of 20’s and 30’s blues classics mixed with guitar magic and slide prowess make this one a must have in any blues/rock/guitarist collection.www.davelambertband.comwww.myspace.com/davelambertbandKazoo Rock – Smallfish (Florida, USA)Smallfish is a kazoo rock band with a serious fishing problem. Evan and Eric (both equal parts lead singer and backup band) share their (occasionally skewed) view of the world through music.Enjoy the quirky, piano-powered sounds of alt-rock songwriter Evan Lefloch, tinged with show tunes, jazz, and laughter.Smallfish live has been described as "old-timey radio show on espresso" and "weird!" Since 99, Evan has been Smallfish and fed his music addiction by entertaining. We need much more of this.www.smallfishadventures.com/www.myspace.com/smallfishbandPauoa Valley – Kimo Watanabe (Salt Lake City, USA / Hawaii)Kimo has been a good friend to the show for a long time. In fact ever since I played this track on SnC back in April 2006. I still just love the roots reggae feel and the passionate singing.It was Kimo that put me on Grant Beardsley who did the first Session at the Barn and has a new album Bare Bones out very soon.www.myspace.com/kimowatanabeCadence Dance – The Specialist (UK)A bit of a mystery. Sounds like … (hmm, let’s just call him D) was a legendary guitarist, playing sessions with major bands. Here is his solo album which is a must for serious guitar fans (and air guitar fans).http:/// (well, you didn’t expect a website did you!)I’ll be at the Winelight Club’s first venture into the big time featuring Foy Vance, Fiona Bevan and Jamie Woon at the Norwich Arts Centre on Tuesday, I’ll report back on Wednesday. Tickets are available direct from the venue. It sounds as though it is going to be one amazing night.www.myspace.com/thewinelightclubI really do hope you’ll be able to join me then.
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